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Hello! My name is Yoav TC, and I love creating experiences for people


> I am a 19 year-old game developer and designer.

> I am extremely passionate about producing fun and socially interactive games and experiences.

> I am hungry to learn more about how the game development industry operates behind the scenes.

> I am a fast learner, and an autodidact. I thrive in environment where I can work on things that interest me (shocker I know)

> I am Currently (2024) studying Game Design & Design at the Open University of Israel


> Managed a Minecraft staff team for my Minecraft Server.

> Managed a Discord community of over 1000+ members for my Minecraft Server.

> Developed multiple mobile & pc games alone while studying in school.


> 2+ years of using the Unity Game Engine.

   / C# Programming

   / 2D & 3D

   / Mobile, PC & Console

   / Netcode For GameObjects & Relay

   / Unity's Ad Monitization

> 1.5+ years of using GitHub.

> 5+ years of using Adobe's Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects.

> Some experience with Java, creating Minecraft Fabric Mods.

> Team management & Working with a team.


> I have a dog named Ginger

> My dream game is an MMORPG, although I enjoy playing and making social party games.

> If I could play a song at the end of the world, I'd probably play Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.

> I asked my mom to describe me in one word, she said "Sharp". But it's not fair, she's biased.

> My favourite TV series is Limitless. And my favourite movie is Cars 2.

Here's a fun thing to read if you are bored and want to get to know me better, this is my answers to some ice breaker questions!

> Do you fold your pizza?

  - Only when I'm really hungry.

> Would you rather be reincarnated as a cat or a dog?

  - Cat. Easy life.

> Pull out your phone; what is your most used emoji?

  - 💪 followed by 😭, 👍, 🔥, ❤️.

> Who was your famous childhood crush?

  - Ty Lee from Avatar

> You can only eat one food again for the rest of your life. What is it?

  - Hamburger if I can change it, if I can't then Spinach Ravioli.

> Imagine you can instantly learn any language. Which would you choose?

  - Either Arabic or Chinese.

> Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs?

  - Who the hell in their right mind prefer small dogs????

> What is the best superpower?

  - Super Speed.

> What is the most obscure superpower you would want?

  - Not needing to sleep. Sleeping is a waste of time.

> Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.

  - I'd go with Barack Obama, he seems like a nice dude.